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Read the Post in new Window Read the Post in Threaded view  Post #24: Re: Better among worst? by Thorsten on 2005-11-04 
Browse the content of the threads in new Window  Thread: Passive transformer based preamp in Audio Discussions  41 Replies 
Hi,[quote user="morricab"]no mention by the manufacturer what brand of autoformers are in use (or if they roll their own). [/quote] There is one thing I can say. Nickel Lams are bright, shiny and light coloured. Steel lams are dark and dull. I...

Read the Post in new Window Read the Post in Threaded view  Post #20: Re: Better among worst? by Thorsten on 2005-11-04 
Browse the content of the threads in new Window  Thread: Passive transformer based preamp in Audio Discussions  41 Replies 
Hi,[quote user="morricab"]the unit I tried (the Sonic Euphoria passive) did not live up to my hopes.[/quote] Given my somewhat loose but existing ties with S&B and with Music First Audio I need to be careful what I am saying. But let me suggest...

Read the Post in new Window Read the Post in Threaded view  Post #17: Re: custom magnetics by Thorsten on 2005-11-02 
Browse the content of the threads in new Window  Thread: Passive transformer based preamp in Audio Discussions  41 Replies 
Hi,[quote user="cv"]Actually, Dave makes it perfectly clear. Take a look at the forum and FAQ at[/quote]I read, yes, he states the compatibility limts but very technically. Well, i guess his stuff is bought only by serious ...

Read the Post in new Window Read the Post in Threaded view  Post #15: Re: Further problems with interstage transformers. by Thorsten on 2005-11-01 
Browse the content of the threads in new Window  Thread: Passive transformer based preamp in Audio Discussions  41 Replies 
Hi,[quote user="cv"]RE: the Slagle autoformers and their lower than S&B inductance, that's a deliberate design choice on his part.[/quote] I am aware of that, however DS does not make that unneccesarily clear to potential customers... [quote...

Read the Post in new Window Read the Post in Threaded view  Post #13: Re: Further problems with interstage transformers. by Thorsten on 2005-10-31 
Browse the content of the threads in new Window  Thread: Passive transformer based preamp in Audio Discussions  41 Replies 
Hi,[quote user="dazzdax"]Thx for this well written and highly educational piece Thorsten! It appears that Romy is not very fond of the Audio Consulting transformers, could you give your opinion regarding those? What is your opinion regarding the use ...

Read the Post in new Window Read the Post in Threaded view  Post #10: Transformers & Transformers.... by Thorsten on 2005-10-28 
Browse the content of the threads in new Window  Thread: Passive transformer based preamp in Audio Discussions  41 Replies 
Hi,[quote user="Romy the Cat"]T, thanks for educational reply. I understand what you are saying and where you are coming from but unit I try better transformer, presumably your S&B TX-102 I would not be able to correlate your observations with my...

Read the Post in new Window Read the Post in Threaded view  Post #8: Re: Further problems with interstage transformers. by Thorsten on 2005-10-28 
Browse the content of the threads in new Window  Thread: Passive transformer based preamp in Audio Discussions  41 Replies 
Roman,[quote user="Romy the Cat"]Nevertheless, if that bass was truncated between the stages then the devastations are way more severe. [/quote]That may be so, however an LF response of less than -0.1db down @ 10Hz is what is normally called "ruler f...

Read the Post in new Window Read the Post in Threaded view  Post #5: Re: Passive transformer based preamp by Thorsten on 2005-10-26 
Browse the content of the threads in new Window  Thread: Passive transformer based preamp in Audio Discussions  41 Replies 
Hi, [quote user="dazzdax"]Hi Romy and other fellow audiophiles, what is your experience with passive transformer based preamps?[/quote]I have yet to find anything better. If using active try using a TVC as volume control, it takes the active preamp ...

Read the Post in new Window Read the Post in Threaded view  Post #4: Re: Better among worst? by Thorsten on 2005-10-26 
Browse the content of the threads in new Window  Thread: Passive transformer based preamp in Audio Discussions  41 Replies 
Hi,[quote user="Romy the Cat"]However, even if you did succeed to preserve dynamics in your line-level transformer then the LF cut off of this transformer will “get” you. The solution is very simple: do not run any transformer attenuators within a re...

Read the Post in new Window Read the Post in Threaded view  Post #3: Roman, I think you are off the track by Thorsten on 2005-09-16 
Browse the content of the threads in new Window  Thread: A new amplifier from Audio Note. in Audio News  4 Replies 
Roman,I think that was below your normal standards.I know Kondo San personally, he is a nice guy. Something not entierly dissimilar could be written about Vladimir and his gear, ESPECIALLY the value for money part.L8er T...

Read the Post in new Window Read the Post in Threaded view  Post #21: Re: Voicing is BS by Thorsten on 2005-07-21 
Browse the content of the threads in new Window  Thread: Super Melquiades Amplifier. in Melquiades Amplifier  29 Replies 
Hi,[quote user="Romy the Cat"] So, voicing is a big totally artificial pile of BS and even the conversations and thinking about voicing is BS. [/quote]Nope, voicing is the final but essential part of getting what you want.For example, my commercial...

Read the Post in new Window Read the Post in Threaded view  Post #20: Joining zillion audio Morons by Thorsten on 2005-07-21 
Browse the content of the threads in new Window  Thread: Super Melquiades Amplifier. in Melquiades Amplifier  29 Replies 
Roman,Well, what can I say.Different parts sound different, like it or not.I agree the topology needs to be "right" first, but once past that you will be surprised just how much difference parts happen to make.However, cogitating about your current A...

Read the Post in new Window Read the Post in Threaded view  Post #11: Re: Bingo!!!! by Thorsten on 2005-07-19 
Browse the content of the threads in new Window  Thread: Super Melquiades Amplifier. in Melquiades Amplifier  29 Replies 
Hi,[quote user="Romy the Cat"] After some experiments and still being dissatisfied with the HF I ended up consulting with Dima.  He spread me a theory according to which the HF was killed by my coupling Silver Mica cap. All my arguments that sil...

Read the Post in new Window Read the Post in Threaded view  Post #2: Re: To drive the 6C33C... by Thorsten on 2005-07-11 
Browse the content of the threads in new Window  Thread: To drive the 6C33C... in Melquiades Amplifier  65 Replies 
Hi,[quote user="Romy the Cat"] I liked the most when I drove the 6C33 plate with 230V. I run all possible currents and… surprise, surprise I ended up at 150mA.[/quote]I find the same true with other power triodes. When comparing operating conditions ...

Read the Post in new Window Read the Post in Threaded view  Post #4: Re: Horning further questions. by Thorsten on 2005-05-23 
Browse the content of the threads in new Window  Thread: Hørning prøblems. in Audio Discussions  5 Replies 
Roman,[quote user="Romy the Cat"]Regarding the absents of the band-pass filters… Perhaps you are correct.[/quote] I am correct, I have been inside Hoerning speakers, to find "what makes them tick"....[quote user="Romy the Cat"]However, they...

Read the Post in new Window Read the Post in Threaded view  Post #2: Re: Hørning prøblems. by Thorsten on 2005-05-22 
Browse the content of the threads in new Window  Thread: Hørning prøblems. in Audio Discussions  5 Replies 
Roman,[quote user="Romy the Cat"]Last year the speaker was presented by “Horning Hybrid Perikles” importer who told me that they demonstrated: “3-ways loaded into the same horn loudspeaker”. I asked him to explain what dose it mean “3-ways loaded int...

Read the Post in new Window Read the Post in Threaded view  Post #20: Re: HELP: I’m a line-level looser. by Thorsten on 2005-04-01 
Browse the content of the threads in new Window  Thread: HELP: I’m a line-level looser. in Audio Discussions  22 Replies 
Hi,[quote user="Romy the Cat"]All that I need was some kind of vacuum tube buffer that would have no-gain of a very low gain and that would be sonically completely transparent.[/quote]Completely transparent is very hard to do. Try the following:6AS7 ...

Read the Post in new Window Read the Post in Threaded view  Post #9: Re: About the drunk crossovers.... by Thorsten on 2005-03-25 
Browse the content of the threads in new Window  Thread: Suggested target curves and setup techniques for Pro Audio D... in Didital Things  9 Replies 
Hi,[quote user="Romy the Cat"]However, returning back to the subject, I would like the message be stressed: I feel that if people seriously contemplating the digital crossovers then they fight wrong fight for the wrong reasons. [/quote]That is where ...

Read the Post in new Window Read the Post in Threaded view  Post #7: Re: How Stanislavsky would design his speakers? by Thorsten on 2005-03-24 
Browse the content of the threads in new Window  Thread: Suggested target curves and setup techniques for Pro Audio D... in Didital Things  9 Replies 
Hi,[quote user="Romy the Cat"]T, do you familiar with Stanislavsky's System? [/quote]In passing, not in depth. Stanislavskies contention makes a lot of sense. Again I agree that one should first and foremost work from a serious vision what ...

Read the Post in new Window Read the Post in Threaded view  Post #5: Re: It is more like an audio realism. by Thorsten on 2005-03-24 
Browse the content of the threads in new Window  Thread: Suggested target curves and setup techniques for Pro Audio D... in Didital Things  9 Replies 
Hi,[quote user="Romy the Cat"] I mean that EQ is a fine “tactical solution” but it a very bad strategic direction. [/quote] I guess the question of the strategic value is dependent on the strategy.[quote user="Romy the Cat"] Look, there ar...

Read the Post in new Window Read the Post in Threaded view  Post #3: About audio absolutism, audio relativism and audio pragmatism by Thorsten on 2005-03-24 
Browse the content of the threads in new Window  Thread: Suggested target curves and setup techniques for Pro Audio D... in Didital Things  9 Replies 
[quote user="Romy the Cat"]It is a strange felling I have after reading it again. I feel like somebody cooked a beautiful and superbly testy meal, using the most refine cooking techniques and the best ingredients and then, a person took this entire m...

Read the Post in new Window Read the Post in Threaded view  Post #1: Suggested target curves and setup techniques for Pro Audio Digital Equ... by Thorsten on 2005-03-23 
Browse the content of the threads in new Window  Thread: Suggested target curves and setup techniques for Pro Audio D... in Didital Things  9 Replies 
.... in home systems for Room correction and general system EQFolks,This is from my own Yahoo group, but may be of interest here....Since writing this I have in fact changed my speakers to dipoles and do not currently use a PADEQ (it will return thou...

Read the Post in new Window Read the Post in Threaded view  Post #8: On using Pro Audio Digital Crossovers (PADXO) in domestic HiFi setting... by Thorsten on 2005-03-21 
Browse the content of the threads in new Window  Thread: Horns and digital crossovers. in Horn-Loaded Speakers  16 Replies 
Hi,[quote user="Romy the Cat"]This subject of digital crossovers became quite popular during last few years and many audio-people give up and go for a simplicity and painlessness of digital crossovering.[/quote]Well, digital X-Overs would appear to o...

Read the Post in new Window Read the Post in Threaded view  Post #10: Re: An ultimate transformer within a narrow bandwidth? by Thorsten on 2005-02-16 
Browse the content of the threads in new Window  Thread: An ultimate transformer for narrow bandwidth? in Melquiades Amplifier  14 Replies 
Hi,[quote user="cv"]Fairly sure it was a typo, but the bigger the airgap, the *lower* the inductance, all else being equal.We need a large airgrap for a 6C33 due to the high current. The advantage is that the airgap linearises the BH characteristic o...

Read the Post in new Window Read the Post in Threaded view  Post #8: Re: An ultimate transformer within a narrow bandwidth? by Thorsten on 2005-02-16 
Browse the content of the threads in new Window  Thread: An ultimate transformer for narrow bandwidth? in Melquiades Amplifier  14 Replies 
Hi,[quote user="Romy the Cat"] I lately have some reasons to think about optimum requirements for SET’s out transformer if the amp handles juts a narrows bandwidth. For instance let pretend that we have 2 monoblock and each of them drive: LF <10...

Read the Post in new Window Read the Post in Threaded view  Post #22: Re: Speakers: a hi-fi disaster. by Thorsten on 2005-01-24 
Browse the content of the threads in new Window  Thread: Speakers: a hi-fi disaster. in Audio Discussions  22 Replies 
Hi,[quote user="Romy the Cat"] People frequently ask me what would be a good speaker to buy for $5.000, for $10.000 for $20.000 for $50.000 and so on. The more I think about it looking at the park of available loudspeakers the more I come to the obse...

Read the Post in new Window Read the Post in Threaded view  Post #16: Re: The TX-103 optimization kits... by Thorsten on 2005-01-24 
Browse the content of the threads in new Window  Thread: The Expressive Technologies SU-1 in Analog Playback  33 Replies 
Hi,[quote user="Romy the Cat"]So, I have no idea who was a target market for those TX-103 optimization kits [/quote]There is no "TX-103 optimisation kit". There is a commercial stepup product. It was designed to be sold through current, existing dela...

Read the Post in new Window Read the Post in Threaded view  Post #13: Re: The "bad" S&B resellers... by Thorsten on 2005-01-24 
Browse the content of the threads in new Window  Thread: The Expressive Technologies SU-1 in Analog Playback  33 Replies 
[quote user="Antonio J. "]MFA e-mailed me aknowledging that I was perhaps going to try the DIY way getting a "raw" transformer from S&B and offered me assistance. The "problem" is that their unit with a gain selector and load selector is way too ...

Read the Post in new Window Read the Post in Threaded view  Post #12: Some notes on the S&B TX-103 "sound" by Thorsten on 2005-01-24 
Browse the content of the threads in new Window  Thread: The Expressive Technologies SU-1 in Analog Playback  33 Replies 
Hi Roman,[quote user="Romy the Cat"] the S&B unfortunately does just gain, nothing else) but for the money S&B do OK. [/quote]Then it does exactly what is asked of it, I asked JB to design it for me PERSONALLY as a "wire with gain". I have be...

Read the Post in new Window Read the Post in Threaded view  Post #42: Re: Still the 834PT is OK. by Thorsten on 2004-12-11 
Browse the content of the threads in new Window  Thread: Where are our good phonostages? in Analog Playback  61 Replies 
Hi Guy, [quote user="guy sergeant"]My experience with the 834p stemmed from having one at home for about a year soon after it was launched. I did try different types of ECC83 in it which did change it's balance slightly but not enough to make me like...
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